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What Should the Social Media Page for a Construction Company Look Like?

Social media has become a popular platform for chippies, sparkies, brickies and anyone who works in construction! If you’re any of the above, you’ve probably noticed the way construction businesses show completed projects as well as snippets “in the making” across different social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. This approach has helped customers and companies, as people can learn new things while businesses enjoy greater audience reach organically.

But what type of content do you need to post on social media? How can you create an impact? Here are a few practical ideas that you can use for your construction business’s social media page.

Spot a Common Building Project Issue

Share a tip for your target audience about common job site problems that is important for them to know. For instance, if you are a drywall contractor, share a post that explains a common problem on the job site: e.g. water damage, why it is a problem, and how to effectively solve it. This helps build awareness about the importance of common issues or problems that are often overlooked in your industry. And in turn, you can be seen as their go-to person when they spot a problem.

Offer Insights for Choosing Materials

Whether it’s wood, steel, masonry, concrete, or any construction material, people with no background will look for tips and tricks to purchasing the one that suits them. By posting essential factors to think about when purchasing material, you can gain the trust of your audience. People live different lifestyles and have different needs when it comes to construction and renovation jobs, so the more you offer valuable information and tips, the more they’ll appreciate and engage with your content. As the construction industry is very hands-on, you can harness the power of video to show pros and cons of different material choices. No fancy equipment needed here.

Feature a Building Construction Project

Give a sneak peek to your audience of what your company is currently doing. Make sure to give precise detail about the project along with the photos or videos you upload on social media. Here are a few things that you need to add to your post:

·         What is it about

·         What is the location, and who is it for without breaching the privacy of your client

·         Why you chose the project or any goal you have about the project

This type of social media content helps your target audience understand how you can offer value to them if they decide to hire you. Construction companies can significantly increase sales with these clever techniques.

Share Tips and Tricks

As a nation of highly interested and enthusiastic DIYers, people are always interested in finding faster ways or new techniques of doing things. Therefore, share your knowledge to target such people. This will attract them to your page and follow your content. This will help with brand recall, and they will remember your brand when they need to hire someone for a job.

Based on your company’s needs, you can design posts that feature a weekly or daily tip e.g. giving insights about the best and quickest way to perform a task. You can also discuss some common mistakes that people need to avoid. As a result, you can expand your reach.

Start with simple content

With all the above, comes the importance of consistency. Consistency is key. So look at realistic ways that you and/or your team can make your social media easily manageable. Start with simple content. Most construction workers document all their projects through quick phone snapshots, so no excuses! Don’t take it too seriously, instead, look at ways to make it entertaining for your audience. The more they’re entertained, the more content they’ll consume.

In a nutshell, construction companies can engage with their audience on so many different levels and using a range of formats and ideas such as video (also known as Reels on Instagram), photos, before/after shots, weekly tips, stories showing spontaneous content while on the job, FAQ style content…the sky’s the limit.

Talk to us first if you feel you don’t have a content strategy to give you the confidence to manage your own socials. Or if you just wanna “knock-off” and hand over your social media to be managed for you, let us know!




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